Darfu fy nerth 'rwy'n llwfrhau

1,2,3;  1,2,4.
(Profiad o lesgedd)
Darfu fy nerth, 'rwy'n llwfrhau,
 Yn d'allu mae f'ymddiried;
Nerth mawr, difesur, fel y môr,
  Genyt sy'n stôr i'r gweiniaid.

Ti'm tynaist i o ganol tân,
  A mi o'r blaen yn ofni;
Gwna hyny eto'r fynyd hon,
  Mae f'enaid bron a threngu.

Mi bwysaf atat eto'n nes;
  Pa les im y ddigaloni?
Mae son am danat yn mhob man,
  Yn codi'r gwan i fyny.

Bydd coffa 'm danat ym mhob man
  I godi'r gwan i fyny;
Eu c'lonau'n demlau i Ti cair
  Sy wrth dy air yn crynu.
Yn d'allu mae f'ymddiried ::    
    O! gwêl yn glau f'anghenraid
Genyt sy'n :: A feddi'n
im y ddigaloni :: im ddigaloni

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Capel Cynon (Hugh Jones 1749-1825)
Cymundeb (Caradog Roberts 1878-1935)
Dominus Regit Me (J B Dykes 1823-76)
Dymuniad (R H Williams 1805-76)
Eidduned (J R Jones 1765-1822)
Neuadd Las (J T Rees 1857-1949)
Padarn (Ieuan Gwyllt 182-77)
St Clement (<1875)
St Elian (<1875)

  Achub O Dduw fy enaid caeth
  B'le trof fy wyneb Arglwydd cu
  Dy ras yw'm gobaith O fy Nuw
  Mi nesaf atat etto'n nes

(Experience of debility)
My strength is waning, I am wearied,
  In thy power is my trust;
Great, immeasurable strength like the sea,
  Thou hast as a store for the weak.

Thou hast pulled me from the midst of fire,
  Which I formerly feared;
Do this again this minute,
  My soul is almost expiring.

I will lean closer upon thee;
  Why should I be downhearted?
Telling about thee in every place, is
  Raising up the weak.

Memory about thee shall be in every place
  To raise the weak up;
Their hearts as temples to Thee are found
  Who at thy word are trembling.
In thy power is my trust ::    
    Oh, see quickly my need!
With thee there is a :: Thou possessest a

tr. 2013,19 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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